• Structural Officer
No Name Position Information
1 Dr. Budi Endarto, SH., M.Hum. Chancellor of Wijaya Putra University detail
2 Dr. Esa Wahyu Endarti, SH., M.Si. Deputy Chancellor III Student Affairs Sector detail
3 Dr. Ir. Indra Prasetyo, MM. Director of the Postgraduate Program detail
4 Dr. Nugroho Mardi W, M.Si. Head of the Institute for Research & Community Service detail
5 Dr. Ir. Mei Indrawati, MM. Head of the Master of Management Study Program detail
6 Dr. Sri Juni Woro A, M.Com. Deputy Chancellor I Academic Field detail
7 Ir.Faisol Humaidi, MP. Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture detail
8 Dr. Andy Usmina Wijaya, SH., MH. Dean of the Faculty of Law detail
9 Firsty Oktaria, S.Psi., M.Psi. Dean of the Faculty of Psychology detail
10 Dr. Hadi Susanto, M.Si. Head of the Master of Public Administration Study Program detail
11 Dr. Suwarno Abadi, SH., M.Si. Head of the Master of Law Sciences Study Program detail
12 Dwi Lesno Panglipursari, SE., MM. Chair of the Management Study Program detail
13 Aminatuzzuhro, SE., M.Si. Chair of the Accounting Study Program detail
14 Supriyanto, S.Sos.,M.Si. Dean Of The Faculty Of Social and Political Sciences detail
15 Heri Susanto, SP., MM. Chair of the Agribusiness Study Program detail
16 Gatot Setyono, ST., MT. Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program detail
17 Ong Andre Wahyu Riyanto, ST., MT. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering detail
18 Ardianti Agustin, S.Psi., M.Psi. Chair of the Psychology Study Program detail
19 Suprayoga, SE., M.Si. Head Of Student Affairs Bureau and CDC detail
20 Dr. Trisa Indrawati, SE., MM. Deputy Chancellor II Resource Development Center detail
21 Dr. Fitra Mardiana, SE., MM. Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Agency detail
22 Dewi Suprobowati, S.Sos., M.Si. Chair of the Facilities and Infrastructure Bureau detail
23 Mochamad Danny Rochman, A.Md.,S.S.I. Chair of the Library Technical Implementation Unit detail
24 Surya Priyambudi, S.Pd., M.Pd. Chair of Public Relations and Cooperation Bureau detail
25 M. Hasan Abdullah, ST. MMT. Chair of the Industrial Engineering Study Program detail
26 Alfin Maulana, SEI., M.SEI Chair of the Economic Development Study Program detail
27 Ramon Syahrial, S.P., M.M. Chair of the Human Resources and Secretariat Bureau detail
28 Alfi Nugroho, ST., MT. Chair of Academic Administration Bureau detail
29 Alven Safik Ritonga, Ssi.,M.Si Chair of Informatics Engineering Study Program detail
30 Dr. Woro Utari, SE., MM. Dean of the Faculty of Economics & Business detail
31 Dr. Yulis Setyowati, S.Pd., M.Pd. Chair of the English Literature Study Program detail
32 Yeni Probowati, S.Pd., M.Pd. Dean of the Faculty Language & Literature detail
33 Sekaring Ayumeida Kusnadi, SH., MH. Chair of the Law Sciences Study Program detail
34 M. Harist Murdani, S.Kom., M.SC Head of the Information and Communication Technology Bureau detail
35 Sujani, SE., MM. Head of Financial Bureau detail
36 Dr. Arini Sulistyowati, SE., M.Ap. Head of the State Administration Science Study Program detail